Wednesday, May 30, 2007

me and my son marcos

Mr. Jeremy fisher wants to catch first he for Mr. jeremy uses a lily pad for a boat. he casts his line in the water and hopes to catch... jeremy begins to feel hungry. he reaches in his basket for his delicious...
jeremy dips his foot in the water. something tweaks the toe of one of galoshes. Jeremy hears some noises in the nerby plants. he says' I wonder what that is /

Mother's day

Over the weekend I was in Santiago,Dominican Republic. during this Particular weekend Mothers day ,was on Sunday.I enjoyen being with My Mother and my family.Saturday night I went to Bowling .The weather its Rain and warm .

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Wet Camp Day

One day I went camping with my family in Connecticut. During the day the weather was beautiful and we were at the beach. During the night between midnight and 1 am it began raining heavily. We were sleeping in tents. The storm was very loud. Everybody woke up and those with bad tents moved to their cars. I had a good tent so I stayed dry. I saw that
the water got in to their tents and I thought it was funny.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A bad place for gum

When my son was 4 years old I took him to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor told me my son couldn't hear very well. I felt very confused. I didn't know why my son couldn't hear very well. When the doctor cleaned his ear, he found something hard and black. He asked me what it was. I didn't know. My son then told us that it was gum. I asked my son why did you do that? My son explained that he had seen a cartoon on TV where someone put gum in their ear and then it came out of their nose. He wanted to try it himself. I was surprised and told him not to do it again. Today he has problems with his ear and I wonder if it was from the gum.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Love is music for people. Love is many languages you speak . Love Belkis,